MG-TC: Installation of Direction Indicators


Enhancing the safety aspects of the TC, while maintaining the car's original appearance, can be accomplished by modifying the wiring circuitry to accept the Lucas Turn Signal Relay found in TDs.

The following outlines the main tasks:

  1. Mount the Lucas Turn Signal Relay Box and the Turn Signal Flasher on the firewall. Note that the relay frame must be properly grounded.
  2. Mount the direction indicator switch in a suitable location.
  3. Mount the direction indicator warning light on, or under, the dash. Ensure the base is properly grounded.
  4. If required, mount a second "D" lamp on the rear license plate bracket. Additional tail lights mounted high on the fuel-tank end-panels should be considered as an added safety-related option.
  5. Remove the single filament bulb and socket assembly from each front fender side light. These are replaced with double-contact socket assemblies and bulbs (in step 6h below) after additional wiring is installed.
  6. Run wiring as outlined in the "Direction Indicator Wiring Diagram", fastening properly.

Parts Required

  1. Lucas Turn Signal Relay (or equivalent)
  2. Direction Indicator Switch (single pole double throw, with centre off)
  3. Flasher (3 terminal, 12 volt)
  4. Direction Indicator Warning Light
  5. Double Contact Sockets (2)
  6. Bulbs, double filament (2)
  7. Stop/Tail Lamp (a second "D" lamp)
  8. Wire (16 guage)

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Last content revision: 26Jan1999

Last revision: 07-Sep-2003